Different Varieties of Mangoes and Their Different Types of Nutritional Values


Raw mangoes usually hit the Bangladesh market in April, while ripe mangoes start appearing from the second week of May through the third week of August. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various types of mangoes available in the market, how to identify them, and their unique characteristics and flavors.

Gopalbhog Mango:

Gopalbhog mangoes are among the first to the market, available from the second of May to mid-June. Known for their small yellow spots, narrow lower part, and deliciously sweet flavor, Gopalbhog mangoes are a favorite among mango enthusiasts.

Rani Pochondo Mango:

Similar to Gopalbhog in characteristics, Queen's Choice mangoes are often confused with the former due to their small size and round shape. However, the distinguishing feature lies in its pulp-less nature and thin skin, making it a unique addition to the mango lineup.

Khirsapat Mango:

Originating from Rajshahi, Khirsapat mangoes are larger in size with light spots and a sweet aroma. Often sold as Himsagar mangoes, these round-shaped mangoes are prized for their taste and are a favorite among mango lovers.

Langra Mango:

Named after Langra Fakir of Benares, Langra mangoes are easily recognizable by their ridged shape and round appearance. With a thin, smooth skin and juicy texture, these mangoes are a popular choice in Chapainawabganj, Rajshahi, and Naogaon regions.

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Guti or Anti Mango:

Guti mangoes, collected in mid-May, are unique as they grow from discarded mango pits. However, the quality and taste vary as they do not carry the maternal characteristics. Grafting is essential for consistency in flavor and quality.

Haribhanga Mango:

Haribhanga mangoes, abundant in the Rangpur region, are closely related to Anti mangoes. With their wide tip, thin underside, and fiberless pulp, these mangoes are best enjoyed when solid and not overly ripe.

Amrapali Mango:

Cultivated in Naogaon, Amrapali mangoes are a hybrid variety known for their sweet taste and smooth, oily skin. Depending on care and yield, the size of Amrapali mangoes varies, offering a unique flavor experience.

Ashwina Mango:

The last mango of the season, Ashwina mangoes, start harvesting from July 10 and are available till August. Identified by their green color, fat belly, and sour-sweet taste, Ashwina mangoes are often confused with Fazli mangoes due to their size.

Fazli Mango:

Yellow in color and long in shape, Fazli mangoes are large and high in fiber content. Though not as sweet as other varieties, Fazli mangoes are known for their size and unique taste.


With a diverse range of mango varieties available in the Bangladesh market, each mango offers a unique flavor profile and characteristics. From Gopalbhog to Fazli mangoes, each variety has its own distinct taste, making mango season a delightful experience for mango lovers. Explore the different mango varieties, enjoy their flavors, and make the most of the mango season with these delicious fruits.

Do You Know Anything More About This blog? Can you share any Ideas or Tips or Tricks to Increase the Mango Yield.

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